Did you know that Indian Springs Village..........?
…..was incorporated October 16, 1990?
…..incorporation census noted 380 households and 1,115 residents?
…..is now home to 868 housholds and 2,363 residents?
…..town council met at Indian Springs School for first five years after incorporation?
…..had first town council meeting in present building December 19, 1995?
…..had first social activity at the pavilion October 15, 1996?
…..established the ISV Garden Club February 2000.
…..started two town council meetings per month (as required by statute) July 2002?
…..has three churches within its city limits?
…..has seven (yes, count’em) public or private schools? (Probably, the lowest ratio of
students per capita of any city in the United States.
…..”the Garden Club was established February 24, 2000? We got clear title to our town property the same month—-mortgage was for 5 years.”